What is your pet peeve?
lesson plan, B1 – B2
In this lesson, we are talking about things that completely piss you off
Warm Up
Look at the different situations and say which of them annoy you
What annoys you?
driving slowly in the fast lane
Loud chewing or drinking
Being late
Staring at someone’s phone
People who walk slowly
Talking during a movie
Laughing loudly
Crying children on planes
Passive aggressive comments
something that especially annoys you
There are 5 most common pet peeves
Try to guess what they are, then open the cards and discuss them
Don't open the pet peeves until you make a guess
Being frustrated by the sound someone makes when eating a crunchy apple or a bowl of soup is a pretty natural reaction, it seems. There is also a condition, called misophonia, which causes people to have strong reactions to specific sounds. People with misophonia can become frustrated or even enraged by repetitive eating sounds.
Chewing sounds / noises
If you've ever gone out to dinner with a friend or partner only to have them stare at their phone the entire meal, you probably already know how annoying this can be. It's rude, disrespectful, and definitely doesn't make you want to spend more time with them.
Texting during a meal
Whether it's tapping a pencil, pen, or foot, non-stop tapping can not only be annoying, but pretty distracting, too. The person is not playing the drums. Their taps will need to stop for your well-being.
Repetitive tapping
We all know someone who won't let us get three words in before they're already talking about something else over us. And it can be pretty darn annoying, that's for sure.
Interrupting during a conversation
It's one thing to take a phone call on a busy city street or in an empty park. It's another thing to take one in a peaceful, quiet coffee shop where people are working, or in an airport where you're shoulder-to-shoulder with strangers.
Taking phone calls in public
Watch the video
Say which pet peeves were shown in the video
*Teacher’s notes
If it's necessary, before watching pre-teach some words from the video according to the students' level

Link to the video
back up off
move backward
drive someone nuts
to make someone annoyed
grind your gears
to annoy or irritate one
BO (body odour)
a general term given to the unique smells given off by every human
Pet Peeves
official music video
Which situations from the video really grind your gears?
Which situations don't drive you nuts?
Let's read some SPECIFIC pet peeve stories people share on Reddit.com
Read and reach a verdict for each of them: a pet peeve or not for you
What is a pet peeve that you have that you can’t mention without sounding like a douche?
I hate it when people don't use the right words for sentences. Such as (there, their, they're) and (your, you're). I never mention it because I don't want to be THAT guy. But it bothers me.
I don't know why, but people pronouncing espresso like it has an x in it makes me want to punch them.
People playing, hugging, or just touching my pets. Most of the times its little children and it really bugs me off because the animal is clearly annoyed and they're just poking its belly.
As soon as I say "Oh, maybe she doesn't like that." They run to tell everyone that I'm rude and selfish.
When I go to a grocery store, I make every possible effort not to have to say a word to anyone. I find my own stuff, use the self checkout, and never ask questions.

This being the case, it irks me when the staff randomly walks up to try to "help" me, because I just want to be left alone.
People touching me.
Not relevant at the moment but | really hate it when coworkers ask me to get lunch with them. | like to use my lunch to zone out and decompress and it's hard to make them understand that | don't mean to shut them down, it's just a me thing.
Are you one of those people who walk up to the counter, chit chat with the girl that is ringing you up, remember you have a coupon or some deal voucher, fish through your wallet for exact change, swipe your rewards card but it doesn't go through so you painfully type in the numbers, stand there and reorganize the money in your wallet while you continue to shoot the shit with the cashier, and finally grab your stuff and walk away?

| fucking hate you.

No talking, pay with a card, no loyalty card, no receipt, get the fuck out of the way.
There are some highlighted words in the stories
Try to FIGURE out what they mean
Match them with the definitions below, then check yourself
Fill in the gaps with the correct words
Finish the sentences about you
Discuss them