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Готовые уроки для разных уровней, разговорные игры и вопросы для горячих дискуссий
Адвент-календарь для студентов отлично подойдет как для self-study в новогодние праздники, так и для уроков, посвященных Christmas 🌲 Он рассчитан на 14 дней и разделен на два уровня.
lesson plans
Ready-to-use lessons on actual topics with juicy vocabulary, authentic videos and stories complemented by grammar topics, exercises and quizzes
Lesson plans for the first meeting with a new student
A1 – A2
present simple lesson
Warm up with questions for the first meeting, game “Taboo” adapted for A1-A2 level
B1 – B2
present perfect grammar
Warm up with questions for the first meeting, game “Taboo” and Present Perfect revision
speaking games
Games that are great for warm-up and generally any part of the lesson
80 cards
Сlassic “Never have i never”, but instead of drinking alcohol, you will share some of your life stories.

The game is perfect to practice Present Perfect and Past Simple.
30 cards
The game has questions like “Would you rather eat and not gain weight or always eat for free?”.

It stimulates thought-provoking discussions and practices “I’d rather” construction.
20 short videos
Students guess what happens next after watching short videos.

The game make them practice “going to” for future predictions.
short videos from films
Students guess what happens next after watching short videos from popular films and series.
80 cards
The point of the game is to name three things related to the topic on the card within a limited amount of time.
discussion cards
Cards with thematic questions for discussion. Non-trivial questions on popular topics
B1 – B2
14 topics, 130+ questions
Provocative (and not-so-provocative) questions on various topics – from psychology to business. It develops discussion skills and helps to feel more at ease in conversational English.
B1 – B2
30+ statements
It enhances the ability to argue one's position and defend it against an opponent.
A1 – B2
30+ statements
Non-trivial questions for getting to know a new student. Specifically for teachers who are tired of asking "How many brothers and sisters do you have?" and "What is your hobby?"
подписка 2easy
Полный доступ ко всем материалам и ежемесячным обновлениям на сайте
2EASY / month
30+ карт "Would you rather"
80+ карт "Never have I Ever"
20 видео "What happens next" + 20+ видео по фильмам и сериалам
30+ карт "Controversial statements"
140+ вопросов, 14+ тем "Discussion cards"
все готовые уроки
3-4 новых урока каждый месяц
игра "Name three"
20 карт "First meeting" для знакомства с новым учеником
415₽ / месяц
2EASY / year
30+ карт "Would you rather"
80+ карт "Never have I Ever"
20 видео "What happens next" + 20+ видео по фильмам и сериалам
30+ карт "Controversial statements"
140+ вопросов, 14+ тем "Discussion cards"
все готовые уроки
3-4 новых урока каждый месяц
игра "Name three"
20 карт "First meeting" для знакомства с новым учеником
ваш тариф
2EASY / trial
4 карты "Would you rather"
5 карт "Controversial statements"
4 "What happens next" + 2 видео по фильмам и сериалам
14 вопросов, 4+ темы "Discussion cards"
2 готовых урока
4 карты "Never have I Ever"
6 карт "Name three"
3 карты "First meeting" для знакомства с новым учеником
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